Welcome to kisikawpimootewin and group(s) website!

Open letter By Kevin Annett to P.M. Paul Martin, 50,000 missing residential school children.

Open letter By Kevin Annett to P.M. Paul Martin, 50,000 missing residential school children.
5. Letter And Petition To Queen's Privy Council For Canada May 13, 2004
5a. Take Notice to the Queen's Privy Council For Canada/ their REFUSAL TO UPHOLD HER MAJESTY'S LAW
5b. Letter to Governor General /Refusal/Queen's Privy Council for Canada/to uphold Her Majesty's Law
6. Letter/Gov.Dept./OF CANADA/PRIVY OFFICE, Indians remain bound under enfranchisement scheme
7. Petition Of Right - Federal Court June 9, 2004
7a. Response/Refusal June 11, 2004 ADMIRALTY COURT OF CANADA/Her Majesty's Law Abolished
7b. Federal Court Act 1970/Admiralty Court/enforcement of current regulations only
8. Letter/Her Majesty/Refusal/by Her Officers/Canada/to uphold Her Majesty's Law/Treason/June16,2004
9. Statement Of Claim
9a. Strategies For Statement Of Claim
9b. Correspondence of kisikawpimootewin and Attorney General re: Statement of Claim
10. Take Notice To All Peoples on miskanahkministik
11. Petition to United Nations Human Rights Commitee, Special Rapporteur
11a. Petition to United Nations Human Rights Committee, Petition Team
11b. Petition sent to the Countries of the World
11c. Take Notice to the People(s) for the World
12. Notice Of Constitutional Questions, October 15, 2004
12a. Notice Of Constitutional Questions, October 15, 2004
The Great Law
The Great Law (compilation of six translations), pgs. 1-5 of 27 pgs.
Great Law pgs. 6 - 11
Great Law pgs. 12 - 17
Great Law pgs. 18 - 22
Great Law pgs. 23 - 27

"what has happened to him is outrageous" 

Dr. Noam Chomsky, speaking of Kevin Annett, August 7,2002 

Read Kevin's personal story of uncovering 
Genocide in Canada, and the price he has paid for doing so:

Order "Love and Death in the Valley" by Kevin Annett through First Books at:


An Open Letter to Prime Minister Paul Martin

The Government of Canada

Ottawa, Ontario

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

I understand that you have postponed your European tour to attend the repatriation service for the body of a Canadian sailor who died tragically in a submarine fire off the coast of Ireland this past week.
As a descendent of Irish and Scottish settlers who have lived in Canada since 1820, and as an adopted member of the Ojibway and Metis Nations, I ask you to show equal concern and compassion for the repatriation of the bodies of more than 50,000 aboriginal children
across Canada who have never been returned to their homes for proper burial.
I am referring to the children who died or were killed in the church-run “Indian residential schools” funded and overseen by your government. According to the
statistics of your own Indian Affairs department, more than half of the children incarcerated in residential schools died while in custody there, between  1895 and 1984.

 As an ordained minister, I have counseled and worked in aboriginal communities for nearly twenty years, and for ten of those years I have recorded the stories and
eyewitness testimonies of over one thousand survivors of the so-called residential schools.
Their stories speak again and again of the murder and death by neglect of thousands of innocent children, who were buried in secret graves attached to the church schools. I have personally been taken to eight locations where survivors believe that residential school victims are buried. And yet requests by these survivors to the local police and RCMP for an investigation of these burial sites have repeatedly
been ignored.
I have documented many of these stories, and attending evidence, in a book entitled “Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust”, which I have mailed to you
separately. This book has been quoted recently by United Nations officials, and by the Belgian Foreign Ministry in its denunciation of crimes against native
people in Canada.
Ever since June, 1998, when an international tribunal in Vancouver found your government, the RCMP, and the
Catholic, United, Anglican, and Presbyterian churches guilty of acts of Genocide against native people, the world has waited to see if your government and the churches in question would respond to the charges brought against you by
survivors of the residential schools.
Your government and these churches have shown by your silence that you do not dispute the charges of mass murder and Genocide being made against you.
Accordingly, I am holding you, Paul Martin, the Prime Minister of Canada, personally liable and accountable for the crimes of Genocide committed by your government and its state-subsidized churches against
generations of my adopted people. 
Since your personal silence on this matter can and must be interpreted as a condoning by you of these acts of Genocide, I therefore expect and call on you to present yourself to the International Criminal Court to face the charges brought against your government and the churches in question. Until you act in this manner in accordance with international law and the 1948 United Nations Convention on Genocide, which is binding on Canada, I
will consider myself personally absolved from any duty or obligation towards your government and its laws, on the grounds that the latter are in violation of the
Nuremburg Legal Statutes of 1950 and countless United Nations Human Rights Conventions.
I will be urging Canadians as a whole to engage in a similar stance of non-cooperation with your government,
including by withholding their tax payments to Revenue
Canada, until those persons and institutions responsible for the Genocide of native people in Canada are brought to international justice.


Reverend Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div.

Secretary, The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada

260 Kennedy street
BC V9R 2H8

Ph: 250-753-3345

Cc: world press

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