Welcome to kisikawpimootewin and group(s) website!

12a. Notice Of Constitutional Questions, October 15, 2004

Open letter By Kevin Annett to P.M. Paul Martin, 50,000 missing residential school children.
5. Letter And Petition To Queen's Privy Council For Canada May 13, 2004
5a. Take Notice to the Queen's Privy Council For Canada/ their REFUSAL TO UPHOLD HER MAJESTY'S LAW
5b. Letter to Governor General /Refusal/Queen's Privy Council for Canada/to uphold Her Majesty's Law
6. Letter/Gov.Dept./OF CANADA/PRIVY OFFICE, Indians remain bound under enfranchisement scheme
7. Petition Of Right - Federal Court June 9, 2004
7a. Response/Refusal June 11, 2004 ADMIRALTY COURT OF CANADA/Her Majesty's Law Abolished
7b. Federal Court Act 1970/Admiralty Court/enforcement of current regulations only
8. Letter/Her Majesty/Refusal/by Her Officers/Canada/to uphold Her Majesty's Law/Treason/June16,2004
9. Statement Of Claim
9a. Strategies For Statement Of Claim
9b. Correspondence of kisikawpimootewin and Attorney General re: Statement of Claim
10. Take Notice To All Peoples on miskanahkministik
11. Petition to United Nations Human Rights Commitee, Special Rapporteur
11a. Petition to United Nations Human Rights Committee, Petition Team
11b. Petition sent to the Countries of the World
11c. Take Notice to the People(s) for the World
12. Notice Of Constitutional Questions, October 15, 2004
12a. Notice Of Constitutional Questions, October 15, 2004
The Great Law
The Great Law (compilation of six translations), pgs. 1-5 of 27 pgs.
Great Law pgs. 6 - 11
Great Law pgs. 12 - 17
Great Law pgs. 18 - 22
Great Law pgs. 23 - 27

Violations of Royal Instructions

29.  The Royal Instructions are such that the Indigenous Peoples, any of them and all of them, are not to be molested or disturbed in any manner. This is evidenced in the Royal Proclamation (1763) and confirmed in s. 25(a) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982). The compelling of the Applicant to appear in one of Her Majesty’s Courts operates in a manner that tends to molest the Applicant. As well as molesting the Applicant, this compulsion directly acts to further the genocide on the Indigenous Peoples as a whole. The secondary Trustees have chosen to employ genocide in every manner in order to not have to pay the annuities and or augmented annuities.


Indian Acts
30. The Indian Acts are the “smoking guns” in
the furtherance of the genocide the Federal Governing structure is determined to exact and is exacting on the Indigenous Peoples. The Indian Acts are the corpus delicti. Any time the Federal Governing structure wanted certain lands or other concessions the Indigenous Peoples would not or could not give up, the Federal Governing structure enacted “legislation” to take those lands away.
31. The Applicant, Beneficiary estimates the time required for argument of no more than half a day.
32. Such further and other evidence and documents, as may be submitted and which may be accepted by this Honourable Court.
33. In support of this application the affidavit of the Applicant will be read and such further and other material as the Applicant may advise.

Orders Sought


   A.) An order that forced appearance of the Applicant a Beneficiary and Signatory to a court of a subordinate Governing structure, a Trustee to the aforementioned Beneficiary and Signatory is a breach of s. 25(A) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982).


   B.) An order that the forced appearance of the Applicant a Beneficiary and Signatory to a court of an Alien Governing structure, a Trustee to the aforementioned Beneficiary and Signatory is a breach of the contract of ratification, dated the 2nd day of April, 1879.


   C.) An order that the forced appearance of the Applicant a Beneficiary and Signatory to a court of an Alien Governing structure, a Trustee to the aforementioned Beneficiary and Signatory is a breach of the Trust made by adhesion, on the 18th day of September, 1878, by actions of the secondary Trustee (Her Majesty’s Loyal sworn subordinate Officer(s)) and is in dereliction of sworn duty to Her Majesty committing acts of conspired treason against Her Majesty.


  D.) An order that, the Applicant a Beneficiary and Signatory is protected by the contract of ratification dated the 2nd day of April, 1879 and not subject under an Alien Jurisdiction of the Federal, Provincial or Municipal Governing structures as titled (secondary Trustees).


  E.) An order that, the Applicant a Beneficiary and Signatory is protected under the trust made by adhesion dated the 18th day of September 1878 and is not subject under an Alien Jurisdiction of the Federal, Provincial or Municipal Governing structures as titled (secondary Trustees).


  F.) An order that the Royal Proclamation (1763) protects the Applicant a Beneficiary and Signatory to the Trust and any and all of the separate and distinct Indigenous Peoples referred to as NATIONS AND TRIBES OF NORTH AMERICA INDIANS, and are not subject under an Alien jurisdiction of the Federal, Provincial or Municipal Governing structures as titled (secondary Trustees).



  G.) An order that Her Majesty’s Order(s) dated the 28th day of June, 1985, protects the Applicant a Beneficiary and Signatory to the Trust and any and all of the separate and distinct Indigenous Peoples referred to as NATIONS AND TRIBES OF NORTH AMERICA INDIANS, are no longer held under the usurped subject matter jurisdiction of the scheme of enfranchisement and its provisions by the secondary Trustees (Her Majesty’s Loyal sworn subordinate Officer(s)) and are not subject under an Alien jurisdiction of the Federal, Provincial or Municipal Governing structures as titled (secondary Trustees).


  H.)  An order that Geo. III, c.138 1803 protects any and all of the separate and distinct Indigenous Peoples referred to as NATIONS AND TRIBES OF NORTH AMERICA INDIANS, the Applicant a Beneficiary and Signatory and any Beneficiaries to the Trusts and are not subject under an Alien jurisdiction of the Federal, Provincial or Municipal Governing structures as titled (secondary Trustees).


   I.)  An order that a Trustee has no discretion, upon any pretence, by action to molest or harm the Applicant, a Beneficiary and Signatory to the Trust.


  J.)  An order that the commanding of the Applicant, Beneficiary and Signatory to the Trust to appear under duress under any Alien jurisdiction constitutes a form of genocide.


  K.)  An order that the titled ATTORNRY GENERAL OF CANADA or assignee (Trustee) withdraw the charges against the Applicant, a Beneficiary and Signatory to the Trust.


  L.) An order that the Applicant is a Beneficiary and Signatory to the Trust and not under the subject matter jurisdiction of the Monarch (Trustee) or under the subject matter jurisdiction of the Federal, Provincial or Municipal Governing structures as titled (secondary Trustees).


 ____th day of____________,2004
                                               Autograph: _____________________

                                                    Direct all correspondence to:

                                                    : colin : jones

                                                    assini watchi neiyawak


                                                    Via: 10023-81 Ave.

                                                    EDMONTON, ALBERTA, Canada

                                                    LC #935

                                                    Tel:  780-439-7810

                                                    Fax: 780-439-7810


          TO:       The Attorney General of Canada
                       The Right Honourable Irwin Cotler 
                        Justice Building 
                        4th Floor
                        284 Wellington Street
                        Ottawa, Ontario
                        K1A 0H8

AND TO:         The Attorney General of Alberta                    

The Right Honorable Dave Hancock

Legislature Office

#208, 10800 - 97 Avenue

Edmonton, AB.

                        T5K 2B6
AND TO:         The Attorney General of British Columbia                         

The Right Honourable Geoff Plant

P.O. Box 9044


Victoria BC.

                        V8W 9E2
AND TO:      The Attorney General of Prince Edward Island
                      The Right Honourable Mildred A. Dover 
                      Third Floor, Shaw Building, North                            

105 Rochford Street

P.O. Box 2000

Charlottetown, PEI

                        C1A 7N8
AND TO:         The Attorney General of Manitoba                         

The Right Honourable Gord Mackintosh

104 Legislative Building

450 Broadway

Winnipeg, Manitoba

                        R3C 0V8

AND TO:   The Attorney General of Saskatchewan
                   The Right Honourable Frank Quennell
                   Room 355                    

                   Legislative Building 

                   2405 Legislative Drive

                   Regina SK.

                   S4S 0B3

AND TO:         The Attorney General of Ontario                    

The Right Honorable Michael J. Bryant

11th Floor

720 Bay St.

Toronto ON

                        M5S 2K1
AND TO:        The Attorney General of Nova Scotia                      

The Right Honorable Michael Baker

5151 Terminal Road

P.O. Box 7

Halifax, Nova Scotia

                        N3J 2L6
AND TO:        The Attorney General of New Brunswick                      

The Right Honorable Bradley Green

Centennial Building

P.O. Box 6000

Fredericton, NB.

                        E3B 5H1
AND TO:        The Attorney General of Newfoundland
                        and Labrador                 

The Right Honorable Tom Marshall

4th Floor, East Block

Confederation Building

                        P.O. Box 8700
                        St. John’s NL.
                        A1B 4J6
AND TO:        The Attorney General of Quebec                     

The Right Honorable Mr. Jacques P. Dupuis

                        Palais de justice de Montréal
                        1, rue Notre-Dame Est
                        11e étage, bureau 11.39
                        Montréal (Québec) 
                        H2Y 1B6

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