Welcome to kisikawpimootewin and group(s) website!

8. Letter/Her Majesty/Refusal/by Her Officers/Canada/to uphold Her Majesty's Law/Treason/June16,2004

Open letter By Kevin Annett to P.M. Paul Martin, 50,000 missing residential school children.
5. Letter And Petition To Queen's Privy Council For Canada May 13, 2004
5a. Take Notice to the Queen's Privy Council For Canada/ their REFUSAL TO UPHOLD HER MAJESTY'S LAW
5b. Letter to Governor General /Refusal/Queen's Privy Council for Canada/to uphold Her Majesty's Law
6. Letter/Gov.Dept./OF CANADA/PRIVY OFFICE, Indians remain bound under enfranchisement scheme
7. Petition Of Right - Federal Court June 9, 2004
7a. Response/Refusal June 11, 2004 ADMIRALTY COURT OF CANADA/Her Majesty's Law Abolished
7b. Federal Court Act 1970/Admiralty Court/enforcement of current regulations only
8. Letter/Her Majesty/Refusal/by Her Officers/Canada/to uphold Her Majesty's Law/Treason/June16,2004
9. Statement Of Claim
9a. Strategies For Statement Of Claim
9b. Correspondence of kisikawpimootewin and Attorney General re: Statement of Claim
10. Take Notice To All Peoples on miskanahkministik
11. Petition to United Nations Human Rights Commitee, Special Rapporteur
11a. Petition to United Nations Human Rights Committee, Petition Team
11b. Petition sent to the Countries of the World
11c. Take Notice to the People(s) for the World
12. Notice Of Constitutional Questions, October 15, 2004
12a. Notice Of Constitutional Questions, October 15, 2004
The Great Law
The Great Law (compilation of six translations), pgs. 1-5 of 27 pgs.
Great Law pgs. 6 - 11
Great Law pgs. 12 - 17
Great Law pgs. 18 - 22
Great Law pgs. 23 - 27

Letter to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Her Heirs, Successors and predecessors.

Via: 10023-81 Ave.
Edmonton, AB.
LC #935
Your Royal Highness kisikawpimootewin
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II miskanahkministik
Buckingham Palace Via: 10023-81 Ave.
London, England SW1A 1AA Edmonton, AB.
LC #935
June 16, 2004

Your Majesty:
The Proclaimed will by Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Her Heir(s), Successor(s) and Predecessor(s) (herein Her Majesty) for the promise(s), assurance(s) of benefit(s) and entitlement(s) under sealed trust agreement(s) of the oral and written talk(s) and negotiation(s) for the Peace and Friendship Treaties and Numbered Treaties, that apply equally to all or any of the referred to as Tribe(s) or Nation(s) of NORTH AMERICA INDIAN(S) on the Trust Territories titled, Canada and further are free to enter into Treaties at any time or not, and regardless of the choice, are always to remain free and unmolested in their chosen mode(s) of life, by Heritage of custom and usage, for as long as the Sun shines and the Rivers flow, on the land titled NORTH AMERICA (hereinafter treaties).

The Sovereign, Sentient human being(s) of separate and distinct group(s) Their Heir(s) and Successor(s) on miskanahkministik, referred to as Tribe(s) or Nation(s) of NORTH AMERICA INDIAN(S), on the Trust Territories titled Canada (hereinafter distinct groups).
The Petition of Right, for claim of right by kisikawpimootewin, for the refusal by Her Majesty’s loyal sworn Officer(s) in the Trust Territories, titled Canada, for the Honour and Dignity for Her Majesty, to obey, uphold and enforce Her Majesty’s Treaties made by adhesion with kisikawpimootewin, signatory and head of a distinct group warranted by ratification as fiduciary and/or Trustee by Her Majesty’s loyal sworn Officer(s) as The Queen’s Privy Council For Her Majesty’s Trust Territory, titled Canada.
Her Majesty’s loyal sworn Officer(s) for the title Canada declared:

In accordance with the War Measures Act, 1914, His Royal Highness, the Governor General, declared the existence of War and dissolved His Majesty’s Parliament and Dominion of the title Canada and further the enfranchised distinct group(s) and other people(s) on the Trust Territories titled Canada, are to remain during the time of War under the regulation(s) by order(s) of the Governor in Council of the title, the Province of Canada, under the colour and force of Marshall Law, until the Governor declares and publishes the end of the war within Her Majesty’s titled Canada Gazette.


In times of peace, under pretence of the War Measures Act, 1914, and by the provision(s) of the enfranchisement scheme, the distinct group(s) and the other people(s) on the Land titled Canada, remain in a lawless state under regulation(s) by order(s) of the self declared, defacto GOVERNOR of the, purported title CANADA, and by force remain under the colour and force of MARSHALL LAW.


Her Majesty’s Loyal sworn Officer(s), upon pretence of the War Measures Act, of 1914, are appointed as COMMISSIONER(S) and MINISTER(S) of the purported title CANADA, and they only obey, uphold and enforce the regulation(s) by order(s) of the self declared defacto GOVERNOR of the purported title CANADA, and the regulations(s) of the political party in power of it’s FEDERAL, PROVINCIAL and MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT(S) and DEPARTMENT(S).


On the 13th day of May, 2004 kisikawpimootewin, by Petition to Her Majesty’s loyal sworn Officer(s) as The Queen’s Privy Council for Canada, requested Her Majesty’s loyal sworn Officer as Her Majesty’s Governor General For Canada, For the Honour and Dignity For Her Majesty to order Her Majesty’s loyal sworn Officer(s) For Canada to obey, uphold and enforce Her Majesty’s treaties made by adhesion on the 18th day of September, 1878 with kisikawpimootewin Signatory and head of a distinct group warranted by ratification on the 2nd day of April, 1879 as fiduciary and / or Trustee by Her Majesty’s loyal sworn Officer(s) as The Queen’s Privy Council For Her Majesty’s Trust Territory, titled Canada.
In response, on the 26th day of May, 2004 Her Majesty’s loyal sworn Officer, Eileen Boyd appointed as COMMISSIONER of the self declared defacto GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL of the purported title CANADA, returned in refusal the Petition of kisikawpimootewin Upon pretence by provision(s) of regulation(s) by order(s) of the Governor of the enfranchisement of the distinct group(s) that kisikawpimootewin, is enslaved and bound under a Dictator, the purported title, the MINISTER OF INDIAN AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT of the purported title CANADA and it’s purported BANDS and employed representatives of the title, CHIEF and COUNCIL and Further is bound under forced compliance(s) of it’s regulation(s) of the alledged title, the INDIAN ACT of the purported title CANADA, and as such kisikawpimootewin, signatory and head of a distinct group has no standing to Petition for a claim of right to the treaties made by adhesion with Her Majesty.

Upon pretence of the War Measures Act, 1914 the self declared, defacto GOVERNOR of the purported title, CANADA ordered, Her Majesty’s Loyal sworn Officer(s) appointed as COMMISSIONER(S) and MINISTER(S) of it’s DEPARTMENT with the title FEDERAL PARLIAMENT to declare as abolished the right to Petition and claim security under Her Majesty’s Law and standing order(s), without grounding in law, in contravention of Royal Certified Act(s) of Her Majesty’s Parliament of Great Britain and Her Majesty’s Royal Certified Act(s) of Her Majesty’s Parliament of the Dominion of Canada as Her Majesty’s Law titled Petitions of Right Act, 1860 (UK), 23 & 24 Vict.,c.34., Petitions of Right Act, Canada, 1875, s.c. 1875, c.12. and Petition of Right Act, 1876, s.c. 1876, c 27 evidenced by letter dated June 11, 2004, of the ADMIRALTY COURT of the purported title CANADA as confessed refusal to file For the Honour and Dignity For Her Majesty the aforementioned Petition in Her Majesty’s High Court For Law.


Upon pretence of the War Measures Act, 1914, the character and credibility for the proclaimed Royal Will of Her Majesty’s Law, standing order(s) and Treaties made with the distinct group(s) have no standing and further by provision(s) of the enfranchisement scheme that kisikawpimootewin, signatory and head of a distinct group has no standing, and as such the appointed COMMISSIONER(S) and MINISTER(S) of the defacto COURT of the purported title CANADA will not accept nor address for the Honour and Dignity for Her Majesty the Petition of Right for the Claim of Right of kisikawpimootewin.

7. For the Honour and Dignity for Her Majesty and the character and credibility for the proclaimed Royal Will of Her Majesty’s Law, standing order(s) and Treaties made with the distinct group(s), kisikawpimootewin, formerly requests advise and direction as to filing the Petition of Right by kisikawpimootewin, within Her Majesty’s High Court in right of law, at Great Britain.

Certificate of deposit #RT 789 382 214 CA



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