by discretion of the titled GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL OF CANADA, can order enfranchisement of all sentient
human beings of a Sovereign distinct group, with the stroke of a pen. In dereliction of sworn duty by refusal to obey,
uphold and enforce the Proclaimed will of Her Majesty’s Law and standing Order(s), and Internationally recognized Treaties
made with the Sovereign distinct group(s), bringing dishonor to Her Majesty and further placing the administration of justice
for Her Majesty's Law, Character and Credibility into a state of disrepute, and further in breach and dishonor made with the
Sovereign distinct group(s), warrented by contract of radification by Her Majesty's loyal sworn Officer(s) for the Trust Territories
titled CANADA and further refusals of sworn duty, by actions or lack there of, refuses to obey and uphold Her
Majesty's orders for the repeal and removal of enfranchisement of the Sovereign distinct group(s) by the titled CANADA.
Committing with intent, knowledge and forethought, action(s) and act(s) of treason against the proclaimed will of Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II and Her predecessor(s).

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