Proposed Routing To Free The Sovereign Indigenous Peoples,Law, Order And Justice To All Peoples

"Self determination (drafted and ratified constitution) for the Indigenous Peoples on turtle island
"Self determination (drafted and ratified constitution) for the Indigenous Peoples on turtle island
Treaty 6 page 1 to 6
Treaty 6 page 7 to 11
Treaty 6 page 12 to 16
assini watchi neiyawak Memorandum Of Agreement
Proposed; Peace Pipe Friendship And Alliance Treaty
Proposed; Live Birth Documents
Proposed; Flag Of The Peace Pipe Fiendship And Alliance Treaty
Proposed Passport; For The Peace Pipe Friendship And Alliance Treaty Nations
Proposed Marker re: Modes Of Transportation
Questions and Answers




To: Indigenous Peoples on turtle island their clan mothers, elders, (heads, okimows, Simogits, corporate chiefs and council). 


“Self determination” (drafted and ratified constitution) for the Indigenous Peoples on turtle island


I am kisikawpimootewin at all material time Heir and Successor for the assini watchi neiyawak, a separate and distinct Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik, (turtle island).


AND by adhesion dated on the 18th day of September 1878, I am a Signatory and beneficiary for the Sovereign to Sovereign oral and written agreements for the Titled: Peace and Friendship Treaties and for the Titled: Numbered Treaties, warranted in trust under Trust Indenture Certificate No. 00835 dated on the 2nd day of April 1879 by men and women trusted as sworn agents acting for Her Majesty's CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA to at all material times govern themselves as Her Majesty’s secondary fiduciary trustees and to uphold and fulfill all of Her Majesty’s obligations due the beneficiaries under the trust Titled: Peace and Friendship Treaties and under the trust Titled: Numbered Treaties.



I would appreciate your response and position regarding the following. If you have any questions or for more information please email your response to:


It is my understanding that:


  1. The European Peoples of France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Holland and Denmark appeared on miskanahkministik (turtle island) and were granted permission to peaceably conduct trade and commerce with the Indigenous Peoples on their Sovereign land base by the Indigenous Peoples’ okimows (heads). (grantors)


Men and women trusted as sworn agents acting for Her Majesty’s CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA Titled: COMMISSIONERS acting on behalf of the foreign alien MONARCH OF GREAT BRITAIN were appointed and trusted with the duties to petition for the foreign alien MONARCH OF GREAT BRITAIN to be granted permission by the Indigenous Peoples’ okimows (heads) to peaceably conduct trade and commerce with the Indigenous Peoples on their Sovereign land base on miskanahkministik (turtle island) (commonly referred to as Titled: Peace and Friendship Treaties).      



  1. The Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) were not, nor have they ever been, defeated by the foreign alien MONARCH OF GREAT BRITAIN under war of conquest.


a)   Men and women trusted as sworn agents acting for Her Majesty’s CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA fraudulently allege (in breach of trust causing injuries for forfeiture of alien rights under the Trust Indenture) that the okimows (heads) of the Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) “ceded”, (gave) the Sovereign land base of miskanahkministik (turtle island) to the foreign alien MONARCH OF GREAT BRITAIN. No okimow (head) acting for tribal Indigenous Peoples under their traditions, customs (Rule of Law) or elected representatives (leaders) acting for Indigenous Peoples under a free democratic system, are empowered (upon any pretense of fraud) to “cede” (give up) the land base of Indigenous Peoples held in Trust, in perpetuity (forever) for the sole benefit of their future generations.   


b)   A free democratic system and constitution is drafted by the Peoples for the Peoples and empowered by free vote of the Peoples.


Men and women trusted as sworn agents acting for Her Majesty’s CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA fraudulently allege (in breach of trust) that the Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) are bound under “ITS” purported CONSTITUTION ACTS 1867 and 1982. The alleged CONSTITUTION ACTS 1867 and 1982 is not a drafted constitution under Rule of Law based on the principles of the Indigenous Peoples customs and traditions and ratified by their free vote of acceptance and consent and therefore has no authorities of power, force or effect to bind the Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) under it.


Men and women trusted as sworn agents acting for Her Majesty’s CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA, (bound by their sworn oath of allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Her Heirs and Successors), are subject to and bound under the CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA’S alleged constitution and “ITS” current orders and regulations and are chargeable within “ITS” courts for infringement (treason against their sworn oath for failure refusal, derelict in the performance of their duties to obey all sections within  “ITS” alleged constitution). 



  1. Men and women trusted as sworn agents for Her Majesty’s CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA, Titled: COMMISSIONERS, upon pretense of Titled: Peace and Friendship Treaties, without consent, under duress and protest of the grantors (Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island)), by way of historically documented and recorded genocidal schemes and programs, (destruction of food source, disease, residential schools) and frauds (by scheme of enfranchisement and scheme of forced elections of chief and council; and by scheme of application and registration under the INDIAN ACT OF CANADA; and by usurped jurisdiction over the Indigenous Peoples under Her Majesty’s CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA and “ITS” provisions of current regulations within the INDIAN ACT OF CANADA and “ITS” INDIAN AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS CANADA), continue by armed force to hold the Indigenous Peoples in a lawless state of forced compliance of  current orders and regulations, of Her Majesty’s CORPORATE STATE acting as CANADA (without a basis in law, unsupported with no authority, or power under a ratified constitution under Rule of Law by free vote of acceptance and consent by the Indigenous Peoples), to develop and sell off all resources of the Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) for the sole benefit and personal gain of the shareholders (the Royal Family) for their commercial for profit CORPORATE STATE acting as CANADA by way of “ITS”  COURTS and “ITS”  private contracted organizations (POLICE).     



Men and women trusted as sworn agents acting for the CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA publicly declare, (alleging) “ITS” COURTS and JUDICIARY are an independent body.


The JUDGES declare the JUDICIARY and COURTS is a branch of Her Majesty’s CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA mandated with discretion, to ensure and uphold current legislated regulations (color of law), of Her Majesty’s CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA.


a)      IN FACT:

Men and women trusted as sworn agents acting for Her Majesty’s CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA as employer contracts and appoints COMMISSIONERS, JUSTICES, JUDGES within “ITS” COURTS, mandated with discretion to at all times, enforce compliance of “ITS” current FEDERAL, PROVINCIAL and MUNICIPAL orders, regulations under provisions of “ITS” CRIMINAL CODE of the CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA are not empowered under a ratified constitution under Rule of Law. It is a breach of trust creating fraud.


EXAMPLE:  “A” - the CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA’S SUPREME COURT ruled “IT” must comply with “ITS” own regulations and were not to charge GST for transporting children by school busses.


Men and women trusted as sworn agents acting for the CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA in response publicly declared “IT” had changed “ITS” regulations and nunc pro tunc (now for then) transporting children by school busses are subject to pay GST, effectively nullifying the rulings and orders of “ITS” SUPREME COURT.


EXAMPLE: “B” - In the cases: Sparrow, Gladstone, Badger and Marshall the CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA’S Court upheld the Indigenous Peoples are the grantors for the Titled: Peace and Friendship Treaties and their Heirs and Successors have the hereditary rights to conduct trade and commerce, (freely and unmolested), for their livelihood and sustenance (food, shelter, clothing, mobility).


Men and women trusted as sworn agents acting for the CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA refuse (in contempt) to uphold and enforce the courts rulings, orders and continue to molest and injure the Indigenous Peoples upon pretense of fraud (that the Indigenous Peoples agreed to give up their hereditary rights as beneficiaries for the Titled: Peace and Friendship Treaties and Titled: Numbered Treaties) by their application to be registered as Aboriginals and issued licences as STATUS INDIANS (Corporate Entities, persons under the jurisdiction of the CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA) and are bound under the Titled: MINISTER OF INDIAN AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS CANADA and the MINISTER’S current orders and regulations within the INDIAN ACT OF CANADA.


TAKE NOTE: The Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik should consider voiding their said applications for reasons of fraud for non-disclosure and demand immediate fulfillments for their entitlements and hereditary rights as beneficiaries of the Trust Tiled: Peace and Friendship Treaties and Trust Titled: Numbered Treaties.



The Peoples’ Courts for Ratified Constitution under Rule of Law



i)          Under an independent Judiciary and Courts for Rule of Law, the Commissioners, Justice of the Peace, Justices, Judges are elected and empowered by the Peoples to at all times act for the Peoples and in all matters with no discretion must uphold, and ensure the Peoples are equally protected under their unalienable rights and secure on their land base under regulations upholding their drafted constitution (under Rule of Law based on the principles of the customs and traditions of the Indigenous Peoples) ratified by free vote of acceptance and consent, binding the Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) under a free democratic system, constitution under Rule of Law.


ii)          To bind the Indigenous Peoples under the jurisdiction of the rules, regulations and enforcement under the CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA’S alleged CRIMINAL CODE it must be empowered and uphold, a drafted constitution (under Rule of Law based on the principles of the customs and traditions Indigenous Peoples) ratified by free vote of acceptance and consent, binding the Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) under a free democratic system, constitution under Rule of Law.  



            Men and women trusted as sworn agents acting for Her Majesty’s CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA, an employer, contracts private organizations mandated to POLICE a designated jurisdictional area, “TO SERVE AND PROTECT” the CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA and at gunpoint (with discretion to use any amount of force and with no accountability) force the Indigenous Peoples to comply with “ITS” current FEDERAL, PROVINCIAL and MUNICIPAL orders, regulations by provisions of “ITS” CRIMINAL CODE of the CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA and have no authorities within their mandate to protect the Indigenous Peoples. (breach of trust)


Peace Officer

Peace Officers are men and women elected and empowered by the Peoples, to at all times act for the Peoples and in all matters with no discretion must uphold and ensure the Peoples are equally protected and secure on their land base, under regulations upholding their drafted constitution (under Rule of Law based on the principles of the customs and traditions of the Indigenous Peoples) ratified by free vote of acceptance and consent, binding the Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) under a free democratic system, constitution under Rule of Law.


5.         Men and women trusted as sworn agents acting for Her Majesty’s CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA do not act for the Indigenous peoples and are not empowered by the indigenous peoples under authorities of ratified constitution under Rule of Law. (breach of trust)

Men and women trusted as sworn agents acting for Her Majesty’s CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA declare CANADA is a for profit commercial business, for the sole benefit of “ITS” shareholders, Her Majesty (the Royal Family) and upon breach of trust of the Titled: Peace and Friendship Treaties fraudulently declare, that the natural resources and land base on mikanahkministik (turtle island) are Her Majesty’s and for the sole benefit of “ITS” shareholders (the Royal Family). And further at gun point continue to hold the Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) in a lawless state to secure and ensure all proceeds and profits of the natural resources on miskanahkministik (turtle island) are deposited with men and women trusted as sworn agents acting for Her Majesty’s RECEIVER GENERAL OF CANADA for the sole benefit of “ITS” shareholders (the Royal Family).


Men and women trusted as sworn agents acting for Her Majesty’s CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA offer any surpluses of Her Majesty’s natural resources to the Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) at the current world price. (breach of trust)


If the Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) were equally secured and protected by a drafted constitution under Rule of Law based on the principles of their customs and traditions, ratified by their free vote for their acceptance and consent to agree to be bound under a free democratic system, constitution under Rule of Law, the land base and natural resources would be under the control and for the sole benefit of the Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) and as such all natural resources and imported resources would be under domestic price not the inflated world price.


For example the land base and natural resources on Venezuela are under the control and for the sole benefit of the Peoples of Venezuela and the Peoples there pay only pennies per liter for gasoline rather than the dollar per liter that we pay here.  



In conclusion


6.                        a)     The situation in Iraq is similar to the situation here, IN THAT: the Indigenous Peoples on Iraq were held in a lawless state by a dictator and the Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) continue to be held in a lawless state by a foreign alien MONARCH. In both instances to allow a foreign alien interest to control and acquire the profits of the Indigenous Peoples’ natural resources on their respective land base.


b)      Under International Law Indigenous Peoples cannot be held in a lawless state on their land base. 


c)      The Indigenous Peoples on their land base, Iraq were re-secured and protected under International Law by a United Nations coalition army and are being assisted by the United Nations to draft a constitution under Rule of Law based on the principles of their customs and traditions, to be ratified by their free vote for their acceptance and consent to agree to be bound under a free democratic system, constitution under Rule of Law and return their control over their natural resources and their land base.


7.                  I urge the Indigenous Peoples (beneficiaries) on miskanahkministik (turtle island), to contact and demand that their clan mothers, elders, (heads, okimows, Simogits, corporate boards Titled: CHIEF AND COUNCIL) collectively unite and secure; a) the hereditary rights and freedoms of the Indigenous Peoples and b) the immediate release of the Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) from under the usurped jurisdiction (schemes and programs) and lawless state (enforcement of current legislated orders and regulations unsupported and empowered by drafted and ratified constitution) in breach of trust by the men and women trusted (fiduciary trustee) as sworn agents acting for Her Majesty's CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA, and implement the following:


a)      “Petition” for assistance by information of complaint addressed to the United Nations and the Security Council of the United Nations requesting that the Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik, (turtle island) also be assisted like the Indigenous Peoples on their land base on Iraq and be secured and protected under International Law and be assisted to draft a constitution under Rule of Law based on the principles of their customs and traditions, ratified by their free vote for their acceptance and consent to agree to be bound under a free democratic system, constitution under Rule of Law and return their control over their natural resources and their land base.


b)      Initiate a class action suit on behalf of the Indigenous Peoples (beneficiaries) on miskanahkministik, (turtle island) addressing accountability for the prima facie infringement of 35(1), (fiduciary breach of trust in forfeiture for warranted Trust Indentures for the trust Titled: Peace and Friendship Treaties and trust Titled: Numbered Treaties) of the men and women trusted (fiduciary trustee) as sworn agents acting for Her Majesty's CORPORATE STATE OF CANADA, based on Breach Of Trust: Cobell v. Norton.

TAKE NOTE: for years immigration was administered from within the DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS CANADA under the control and sole discretion of “ITS” MINISTER. How many billions or trillions of dollars were removed from the Indigenous Peoples trust accounts and redirected by the MINISTER for the use and sole benefit of immigration?


Thursday September 25, 2003



WASHINGTON, Sept. 25 -- U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth today ordered the Interior Department to conduct a full accounting of all individual Indian assets held in trust since 1887.
In the process, the judge rejected the department’s efforts to limit its fiduciary responsibilities and ordered long-delayed reforms to the troubled trust.
“This is a landmark victory,” said Elouise Cobell, the lead plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit that has demanded the government live up to its obligations to the trust account beneficiaries. “It is now clear that trust law and trust standards fully govern the management of the Individual Indian Trust and that Secretary Norton can no longer ignore the trust duties that she owes to 500,000 individual Indian trust beneficiaries,” observed Ms. Cobell.
In a 17-page order and two separate opinions totaling more than 350 pages, the judge said that Interior has “an unprecedented opportunity within its grasp: to take real steps now to redress some of the harm that has been inflicted against some of this nation’s most impoverished citizens.”
But the judge repeatedly admonished Secretary Norton and rejected her proposal to limit the accounting to only those trust accounts that were open 9 years ago when Congress passed major trust reform legislation. The judge also rejected Norton’s effort to limit the liability of the government as trustee for American Indians and imposed strict liability on the government trustees in accordance with trust law.
Dennis M. Gingold, lead lawyer for Indian plaintiffs, said this is a major loss for the government as well as the companies that have exploited the trust beneficiaries’ oil, gas, timber, coal and other natural resources for generations. “The Court has confirmed that individual Indian trust beneficiaries’ claims go back to 1887 and that the statute of limitations will not bar our clients’ claims. Moreover, the structural injunction confirms that the trust must be managed in accordance with highest fiduciary standards, standards that Norton has refused to accept. Nevertheless, we fully expect that Norton will continue to breach her trust duties and that when she does a receiver will be appointed. Our clients should no longer be required to suffer an unfit trustee-delegate.
Lamberth said he will no longer allow the Interior Secretary to manage the trust without close supervision because “the court has no confidence that Interior is willing to actually implement an adequate accounting,” he said.
Despite endless promises “virtually all that Interior has to show are broken promises and plans that have never been implemented,” Lamberth said.
The judge said that the Interior Secretary has treated the Individual Indian Trust as if they were “a toy, one that it need not share with anyone else, one that it can abuse and mistreat if it wants to and no one can tell it differently.”
Under the timetable the judge outlined the Interior Secretary must comply with many of the requirements proposed by the Indian plaintiffs or the Court will remove the Interior Secretary as trustee-delegate and appoint a receiver.
The judge’s opinions are posted at




Respectfully submitted in honour

