Proposed Routing To Free The Sovereign Indigenous Peoples,Law, Order And Justice To All Peoples

Proposed; Peace Pipe Friendship And Alliance Treaty
"Self determination (drafted and ratified constitution) for the Indigenous Peoples on turtle island
Treaty 6 page 1 to 6
Treaty 6 page 7 to 11
Treaty 6 page 12 to 16
assini watchi neiyawak Memorandum Of Agreement
Proposed; Peace Pipe Friendship And Alliance Treaty
Proposed; Live Birth Documents
Proposed; Flag Of The Peace Pipe Fiendship And Alliance Treaty
Proposed Passport; For The Peace Pipe Friendship And Alliance Treaty Nations
Proposed Marker re: Modes Of Transportation
Questions and Answers

Our suggestion for your review and consideration:


The Peace Pipe, Friendship And Alliance Treaty


On this the ______day of _____________, 2004 (note: fill in date and month in red ink) for Heritage and Custom(s) for The Peace Pipe, declare in the eyes of the Creator that:


The ogimaw(s) (Head or equivalent in their language) for sentient Human beings for Sovereign, separate and distinct Indigenous Peoples, Their Heir(s) and Successor(s) and Their Territories on miskanahkministik (or equivalent in their language for turtle island) referred to as TRIBE(S) or NATION(S) of NORTH AMERICA INDIAN(S) for the referred to Sovereign Territories and Trust Territories titled Canada and U.S. (hereinafter ogimaw(s) for their Sovereign Indigenous Peoples) and hereby Proclaim:


1.    For as long as the Sun Shines, the Rivers flow and the grass grows, the agreement(s) for the Peace Pipe, Friendship And Alliance Treaty for mutual benefits for trade and commerce, with the ogimaws(s) that applies equally to any and all of Their Sovereign Indigenous Peoples.


2.    For as long as the Sun Shines, the Rivers flow and the grass grows, the agreement(s) for the Peace Pipe, Friendship and Alliance Treaty for Heritage, Custom(s), usage and for the referred to titled “Creator's Law” made with the ogimaw(s) for mutual benefits that applies equally to any and all of Their Sovereign Indigenous Peoples.


3.    For as long as the Sun Shines, the Rivers flow and the grass grows, on miskanahkministik (referred to as titled turtle island) the appointment by agreement of ogimaw(s) for gitche ogimaws (Heads) for the Peace Pipe, Friendship and Alliance Treaty to act for the mutual benefit that applies equally to any and all of the Sovereign Indigenous Peoples.


{All ogimaw(s) must

     attach and list}


Autograph: ____(with thumbprint over top of signature both in red ink)_

        ogimaw for the __(name of your people in your language)_ 



TAKE NOTE: This Alliance takes no authority away from the ogimaws and Their Sovereign Indigenous Peoples and Their Territories, it is simply for mutual protection and benefits for all under the Creator's  Law with a gitche ogimaw acting for all.

Our suggestion for your review and consideration:

The Peace Pipe, Friendship and Alliance Treaty



In the eyes of the Creator on this the ___ day of  _____________, 2004, declare that:


1. I am the sentient Human being kisikawpimootewin, a Heir, Successor and beneficiary of a Sovereign separate and distinct Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) referred to as NORTH AMERICA INDIAN(S).


2. By unmolested rights to Heritage, Customs usage and freely chosen modes of life on miskanahkministik (turtle island) that I kisikawpimootewin am the Head (Headman) for the Peoples of a separate and distinct Sovereign Indigenous Peoples for the bear clan.


3. kisikawpimootewin agrees and accepts the Peace Pipe, Friendship and Alliance Treaty for the security protection and benefit for the Sovereign Indigenous Peoples, Their Heir(s) and Successor(s) on miskanahkministik (turtle island).


4. kisikawpimootewin agrees and accepts ____________, okimow for the ____________ separate and distinct Sovereign Indigenous Peoples on miskanahkministik (turtle island) as kichi okimow (headman) for The Peace Pipe, Friendship and Alliance Treaty.


5. kisikawpimootewin agrees and accepts The Peace Pipe, Friendship, and Alliance Treaty is for the rightfull standing of the Sovereign separate and distinct Indigenous Peoples, Their Heir(s) and Successor(s) and return of the Territories on miskanahkministik (turtle island), for the security and protection of Heritage, customs and usage under the referred to titled “Creator's Law”.



Dated on this the _____ day of _____________, 2004
















                                                                                        kichi okimow for the Peace Pipe,

                                                                                        Friendship and Alliance Treaty



We also suggest the following for your consideration:


1.  Any separate and distinct Sovereign Indigenous Peoples that are part of the Peace Pipe, Friendship and Alliance Treaty, could be issued passports signed by the authority of the kichiokimow for the said Treaty with authority by autograph of the okimow (Head) of that separate and distinct Sovereign Indigenous Peoples on turtle island. The said Alliance can attach its own flag as well as the flag for that separate and distinct Sovereign Indigenous Peoples, (if they have one).


2.  The other separate and distinct Sovereign Indigenous Peoples (Example: Iroquois Confederacy, Mohawks, Wilps-Daaxan) that already have Internationally recognized passports as Sovereigns can stamp the passports issued for the Peace Pipe, Friendship and Alliance Treaty, then other countries of the world will recognize and honour the passport.


3.  As the Territories are seized back, fly the flags for the Peace Pipe, Friendship and Alliance Treaty and the flag for the separate and distinct Indigenous Peoples on the four corners of their Terrirory. Under International Law, he who flies the flag makes the Law. Move in, set up your own enforcement for the Creator's Law for the Territory. Serve notice to the foreign jurisdiction (Corporation of Canada to vacate the Territory), as they no longer have any jurisdiction to the Territory.


5.  When the majority of the separate and distinct Sovereign Indigenous Peoples are under the Peace Pipe, Friendship and Alliance Treaty. Notify Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Her Heir(s) and Successor(s) that Her Loyal sworn subordinate Officer(s) for the Trust Territories titled Canada, have breached Her Friendship and Peace Treaties with the separate and distinct Sovereign Indigenous Peoples on turtle island and the kichiokimow for the Peace Pipe, Friendship and Alliance Treaty acting for the separate and distinct Sovereign Indigenous Peoples on turtle island declares Her Majesty’s Peace and Friendship Treaties (for trade and commerce) made with the Sovereign, separate and distinct Indigenous Peoples on turtle island to be voided. Her Majsty’s Loyal subordinate Officer(s) would then have no standing to dictate or interfere with the Sovereign separate and distinct Indigenous Peoples on turtle island and if required could be forcibly stopped and expelled from turtle island.

        The separate and distinct Sovereign Indigenous Peoples can then enter freely by their choice into new Peace and Friendship Treaties (for trade and commerce).


6.  We are suggesting one passport should be issued for all Sovereign separate and distinct Indigenous Peoples on turtle island for ease and recognition Internationally and for ease to take back the Territories on turtle island from our enslavers.


7.  For ease, the Alliance could issue license plates to all of the separate and distinct Sovereign Indigenous Peoples under the Peace Pipe, Friendship and Alliance Treaty.


8.  For ease, live birth certificates could be issued to the Sovereign, separate and distinct Indigenous Peoples protected under the jurisdiction of the Peace Pipe, Friendship and Alliance Treaty.


9.  The separate and distinct Sovereign Indigenous Peoples on turtle island can have their own Peace Officer(s) (Warriors Society) to keep them secure and protected under the Creator's Law from being molested and or enslaved by enforcement of foreign jurisdictions.


In reference to page one titled “Peace Pipe, Friendship and Alliance Treaty”, if all okimows (Headmen) sign a similar document, this strengthens and verifies the position of that separate and distinct Sovereign Indigenous Peoples as well as _____________, as kichiokimow for The Peace Pipe, Friendship and Alliance Treaty, acting for the, as named by formal documents, separate and distinct Sovereign Indigenous Peoples and further authority in the end to act for all the separate and distinct Sovereign Indigenous Peoples on turtle island.



Please advise as to our suggestions.



with respect and in honour

kisikawpimootewin and group





Autograph: _______________
